Thursday, February 24, 2011

Book Worm

Today was an unsual day. I found myself struggling to do anything, I didn't want to get out of bed, my appetite took a day off and I just overall felt uninspired.  There have been so many people that have been supporting me on my many ventures. The journey so far has been fun, but recently I have been receiving some negative and questionable remarks of the purpose of my ideas and why I would run towards something unprofitable. Words and phrases such as "worthless idea" to "waste of time" were said. So you can imagine why the lack of energy is an issue today.  So I decided to take the day to think. And so I thought, and thought, and then thought some more and came to the conclusion that in order to better yourself you need to DREAM. So I went back to sleep and began to dream. 
I dreamt of a library. No, not the local public library, but a library... in my home.  It had high ceilings, with a ladder and stacks and piles of books along the walls surrounded by rich colors, luxurious chairs, and couches.  See, i love to read, I've been a book worm my entire life and always imagined I would build my own library in my home one day. I would hand-pick the books, draperies, customize the upholstery on the wingback chairs and couches, etc etc. This would be heaven for me :)
So when I woke up I realized something, I was allowing the negative words and energy to sink into my skin. And in order to get back into the groove, I needed to take some time off and dream. Without dreams, we don't have goals... a purpose.  No matter what people tell me, I should not and cannot stop working on what is good for me, what makes me happy and most of all what I am passionate about.  My dreams are all I have and I won't let anyone tarnish them; I will be hopeful and positive. I will work hard, enjoy life, smile  and dream... everyday.  I WILL build my library one day, in my home, decorate it all on my own and nestle in there, close my eyes and fall into a trance and see what comes next. 

I want to thank all of my friends that have been so helpful and supportive of me now and through these past couple of rough years. I don't know what I would do without you guys; your kindness, love and friendship means more than you all know. 

1 comment:

  1. You are such an inspiring person, Saadia, and it transcends to your writing. I think this blog is helping you find yourself in all that you have been through. Most people have lost sight of what it means to actually "dream," but you know what it means to follow your heart, despite what obstacles are thrown your way. And for that, I am thankful.
